Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) 1 Basics

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Course features
  • Author: Leonidas Fotiou
  • Level: All levels
  • Study time: 6 hours
  • Video time: 4 hours
  • Questions: 30 mins
learning benefits
This course will provide you with a solid understanding of the new SCRM theory and approach. You will learn the importance of SCRM, and why SCRM is the new arena for achieving competitive advantage. You will also learn why SCRM is the evolution of SCM, and what to expect on the future of the discipline. This course will place you ahead of your peers.

A valuable toolkit for every supply chain professional.

Course overview
Supply Chain Risk (SCR) and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) received significant attention in the last few decades and continues to receive attention due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy and economic crisis. However, the development of the SCRM discipline was based on conflicting approaches, misconceptions of ‘risk,’ leading to contradictory and fragmented theories. 
While most academics and professionals approach SCRM from a ‘pure risk’ perspective, managing threats, adverse events, and mitigating losses, this course redefines SCRM using a ‘speculative risk’ perspective. This enhances tremendously the scope of SCRM by including the management of opportunities and the upside of risk. 
This course summarizes the key fundamental principles and findings of a 4-year Ph.D. research study. It is designed to deliver all key principles in a few of hours of coursework.

What's included?

  • 7 chapters
  • >4 hours of course videos
  • +5 supportive videos
  • +Bonus materials (pdfs)

Become a SCRMer

Understanding the key SCRM principles is a must for supply chain professionals to manage effectively and efficiently the supply chain challenges of today.

Advance your knowledge

Gain the most updated knowledge around Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), and stay ahead of your pears & your competition.
Meet the instructor

Leonidas Fotiou

Leonidas Fotiou is a Supply Chain Expert with 2 decades of experience in supply chain design, transformation & optimization. He has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with focus in Total Quality Management (TQM), a Masters Degree in Supply Engineering & Logistics, and a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). Leonidas enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of promoting new concepts and ideas, helping all students to expand their supply chain understanding and support them in developing new skills.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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